When our numbers started rising slower than normal I started to worry and my biggest fear was having to explain to Dillon. He was so excited for the new baby it seriously was heart breaking thinking of having to tell him.
When I started bleeding I knew things really were not looking good. Dillon asked why I was going to the doctor so I decided to take the opportunity to prepare him. I explained to him that the baby was sick and sometimes we don't get to bring babies home because God needs them more than us and they get to go to heaven to be with God. He was sad and we talked for a little bit about it but I explained we still didn't know at that point and I would let him know how the baby was.
The day we found out we were miscarrying I knew I had to tell Dillon. I explained to him this baby was special and God needed it more than we did right now so it went to heaven. He started crying and saying that he loved her and wanted to meet her (which shocked me because up until than he was saying he wanted another brother). I gave him a hug and told him I wish we could have meant the baby too but the baby was sick and had to go to heaven but now it is no longer sick and is able to be at peace with God. I told him hopefully soon we would get to bring home a baby but for now I was so happy God gave me him and Mason. He smiled at me and said sorry the baby got sick mommy and gave me a big hug.
He took it much better than I ever expected. He even has told a couple people mommy was pregnant but the baby got sick and went to heaven with God. I hate that he had to feel this pain but also feel like it was a good way to explain it to him and for him to understand why mommy was sad and at the doctor so much.
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