Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It's just a phase

Its crazy how little ones go through phases.
Dillon slept in his crib no problem until he was about 7 months old. Then he got really sick and after 2 urgent care visits, the ER, and a doctors appointment I worried having him in his crib so we decided to co-sleep while he was sick. Well obviously after two weeks of sleeping in momma and dadas bed the crib was no longer an option. Even naps he would wake up the second we laid him in the crib. So we have slowly been working on getting him back in the crib especially for naps.
But one thing that started along with co-sleeping is he no longer wanted to be rocked, he wanted to lay down next to us to fall asleep. A new phase that definitely took some getting used to.
Then about a week ago naps and bed time became a huge struggle and the past three days it takes over and hour and a half of picking him up and laying him down, him screaming bloody murder, and biting me to get him to finally fall asleep. Last night my sister came over after I had been trying over an hour to get him down and offered to give me a break. She took him in his room and bounced him like she used to when he was a baby and within minutes he was out. Today, his first nap I follow our routine and lay him down next to me. After about 10 minutes I decide to go in his room and rock him like I used to, what could it hurt. Miraculously within 5 minutes he was sound asleep AND IN HIS CRIB!

So nap number two for the day, I decide to try the rocking chair. . . three minutes, no struggle, no crying, no biting he is out and again in his crib!!
I guess this is just another phase and I'm totally loving it!! Reminds me of when he was just born and we lived in this rocking chair :)

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