Saturday, April 13, 2019

1 year ago, Friday the 13th

1 year ago today, Friday the 13th! We were supposed to get the keys to our house so we schedule spectrum to come install everything at 6pm and packed three cars full of furniture and cleaning supplies and mattresses and waited for the call that we were good to go. Then we got an unexpected call, making sire Friday the 13th lived up to its reputation, and were told we would not be getting keys until Monday because they had messed up some paperwork. Disappointed, I called the sellers agent and they approved me still meeting the spectrum guy and getting everything set up with them at least. I started the drive with a four month old baby who HATED (still does) his car seat and a Tahoe packed full. We made it to the Ontario mills before I could no longer take the crying and had to pull over. I called my dad in tears telling him I was canceling spectrum, Mason wasnt having it, we would try again on Monday (dean was at work) just to have him say we just got the call that they fixed the paperwork and we got the KEYS! I went from crying from frustration to crying from excitement! I fed Mason and got him to take a nap, then continued our drive up the  mountain. As we reached the top of the town spectrum called and had to reschedule for Monday because they didn't realize they would need to run all new wires. They ran the wires while we cleaned but then left to come back on Monday to set everything up. We did all the cleaning and unloaded the cars, and got dinner from the same restaurant we ate at when Dean and I got engaged. The boys fell asleep during all the craziness so we packed them in the car and headed back to Chino for the night.
 Saturday and Sunday we rented a moving truck and did at least 4 trips back and forth going from 90 degree weather to 60 degree weather. Saturday we spent our first night in the house and I was so nervous how the boys would adjust this was Masons first time sleeping anywhere but the Chino house and Dillons first time in his own room any where other than Chino, but they surprised me and adjusted perfectly! In that one weekend we completely moved in and decorated. It was just 6 adults (Dean, Ann, Alan, Sarah, Ryan, and myself) a four month old and a three year old. Going up and down the stairs, driving up and down the hill, packing the moving truck, unpacking the moving truck, setting up each room, unpacking all the boxes, and cleaning! It was insane but we did it and it is a weekend I will NEVER forget. 
The house has changed soo much since we moved in and is definitely now our home. It is definitely a change of pace and I love the small town community, you definitely experience EVERY season up here (and lucky us had our first winter and the worst one they have had in a decade 🤦‍♀️ hello snow chains and shoveling feet of snow every morning after you just cleared it the day before 🤷‍♀️ definitely was a good workout), and see so much wild life every day! The boys love our adventures even if it is just walking around our street looking at all the trees and animals. Its funny how it seems as if we moved in just last weekend but at the same time I feel like we have owned this house for years! 
We have experienced so much this past year and I am excited to get even more involved in our community in the years to come and see how much continues to change as the years go by.

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