Saturday, December 30, 2017

Mason Alan

For about the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy I made sure I had a babysitter to watch Dillon during my doctors appointments just in case they needed to do an exam or in case something went wrong and they sent me to L&D. I also would try to clean the house and ours rooms a bit incase we would be gone for awhile and other people had to come help watch Dillon or so i could easily explain where things were incase something was needed. Thank goodness I did too because unfortunately we had quite a few unexpected complications and  were sent to L&D. At my 37 week appt I finally scheduled my csection for December 19th at 130pm and had no issues that week so we decided to bring Dillon to our 38 week appt so he could hear brothers heartbeat one more time before he was born. I didn't have time to clean and literally didn't bring anything with me (no snacks for Dillon, no hospital bad, no toys for Dillon, no carseat, no phone chargers, I didn't even have a phone because my phone had crashed) we just jumped in the car and went to what should have been a quick 10 min appt. Next thing we know my bp was elevated and my doctor said she felt it was time to have a baby because with how my last delivery went she didn't want to risk anything and definitely didn't want to risk me having a seizure on top of my infection risk. We were in shock and headed to the hospital with Dillon. They checked me in but since I had eaten on the way to the Dr appt we had to wait 6 hrs before we could do the surgery, so we started the long wait and thankfully my parents and sister were able to drive out and pick up Dillon.

Finally after the long wait they came and got me to head to the operating room. This csection was sooo much different than Dillons which I expected.
First I walked into the OR, with Dillon since I had an epidural they wheeled me in.
Then the part I was worried about the spinal tap, with Dillon I had the epidural so I didn't know how numb I was last time and how much I would feel this time, but it was actually super easy except that they had me lean on a rolling table so when they did the numbing shot I moved forward than they realized they forgot to have a nurse on the other side of the table to help support me. They had me lay down and strapped down both my arms, with Dillon they only strapped down one which I liked so much better.
At this point they brought Dean in, way sooner than they did with Dillon, with Dillon they actually did the first cut before bringing Dean in.
They then set up the curtain which I was super excited about. It was their first time using it so they were excited too. It was a solid curtain but just as they went to pull Mason out they took off the blue part so i could see him. I was extremely greatful for this too since I didn't get to see him after they took him to check him out.
So they took him to check him out and clean him and weigh/measure him and then we're going to bring him back for immediate skin to skin but unfortunately he had some rapid breathing and had to be monitored by the nicu team for an hour.
The nice thing about loma Linda is they let my family see me in recovery and let them all into the nursery to meet Mason while he was being monitored. (At pomona i was alone thr first hour then they let me have Dillon the second hour but i couldnt see anyone not even Dean until we got to our room) Dillon was so excited to meet his brother and then so happy to be able to visit me and tell me he met brother.
After an hour they brought Mason to recovery with me and about an hour later we were moved to our room.
At that point our recovery was soo much easier. I immediately wanted to start walking and wanted the catheter out. But my night nurse said 24hrs. . . So I waited and asked my morning nurse (lol) and she said as long as I felt ready she was fine with it so roughly 15 hrs after surgery I got myself up and got the catheter out. It was so much easier to stand up and walk this time then it was with Dillon and my recovery followed being much easier.
Mason was such a calm baby and other than having some latching issues was so easy and slept most of the time, as long as we didn't put him down. The middle of the first night though he got extremely fussy and Dean and I knew something wasn't right. Around 4am we asked for formula because we had a feeling he wasn't getting enough, the nurs3s gave us a bit of a hard time but as soon as they saw him suck down the formula realized I was right and he needed to be supplemented. After he got some formula he was back to his happy sleepy self. My Dr came in the following morning and asked when I wanted to go home, we knew csection policy was 72 hrs but explained we had somewhere we really wanted to be Friday morning and she said that I looked great and she had now problem discharging me after 48 hrs! I was so happy. They started all of Masons tests and he was completely healthy except for some jaundice and a blocked tear duct. He did lose 10% of his body weight and was 7lbs when we went home but has quickly regained the weight.
 Since we both were healthy all of our doctors agreed to discharge us at 48 hrs (2days vs the 6 days we stayed with Dillon) but we had to go back to the doctor Friday, Monday, and Tuesday to follow up on the jaundice.
Even though we were not expecting to deliver Mason a week early it went so smoothly and I'm glad we did and glad he was delivered safely and we were both healthy.
Mason Alan Busser
12/12/17 5:15pm
7lbs 12oz 19 1/2in
Loma Linda University

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