Saturday, November 11, 2017

Mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted

This morning Dillon woke me up at 4 am fussing and just want in to be snuggled for a little bit,  right as I got him to bed I crawled back into my bed and Dean quickly came in and told me I needed to come to the bathroom. I didn't know what was going on but quickly realized something was wrong when I saw all the blood.
We headed to the ER at 5am and Dean coughed up blood the entire drive there.
We got to the ER and y quickly called us to triage as they saw how much blood was coming up they immediately go him a bed and started rushing the testing.  First they ran him to xray and I sat there still in shock trying to comprehendd what was goin on and not go through all the bad scenarios trying to stay calm. Next they started trying for an  IV and the nurses started explaining to me the procedure for blood teansfusions, trying to focus and listen to what they were telling me while watching two nurses on both sides of my husband trying their hardest to get an IV an havin them continue to collapse, while dean continued to cough up blood a few times I had to get up and wipe blood off his face still just in shock that this much blood was pouring out of his mouth.  a little later the ENt dr came in and did a scope through his nose i stared at the wall holding his hand trying to stay strong the dr said the blood was pooling below his vocal chords and he would need differemt tests to determine where it was coming from. Then they took him toCT, this was at first calming to me because for the past month since being told Dean had cancer we have been waiting for a ct to be sure it hadn't spread. At this point one of his doctors came over and told us they believed it was either an infection in his lungs or the cancer could have spread to his lungs. More time passed another doctor came and told us they wanted to admit him for a scope  to see if there was a tear in his throat or lungs and depending on if the bleeding continued they may need to tube him to make sure he didn't damage his airway.  His xray came back clear and blood work was great, white blood cells were normal so it didn't indicate infection, hemoglobin was High which meant he had not lost too much blood and didnt need a transfusion. Dean was brought back from CT and the bleeding stopped. At this point it was 10am and he lost over 12 oz of blood. Everything finlly calmed down, and we were transferred to a private ER room.
Around 12pm his Ct came back clear and they couldn't get him in for the scope so they talked about discharging him, just as they started the discharge process his Dr came in and said they had a cancellation so if he wanted to just get it done they could. We agreed it was better to get answers. At 1pm the pulmonologist came in and went over the procedure with us and also went over his CT results, the lungs looked clear but by his incision site some l ymphnodes are inflamed which could be cancer but radiation should take care of those. At 245 they called and said they needed to move the scope to tomorrow due to staffing but felt more comfortable keeping him overnight so we started the wait for a bed in the main hospital . At 430 pm Dean ate for the first time and once again coughed up blood but very little and it stopped again.
At 530 pm they transferred us to the main hospital and everything calmed down.
Dillon got to visit with daddy for a bit before I headed home for the night. It was extremely hard to leave the hospital but I knew Dillon needed me too.
I don't do well with blood, vomit, or hospitals but today my adrenaline kicked in an I was able to handle it all some how only feeling like throwing up once and only crying twice.
I never expected to see that much blood pouring out of my husband but I am so thankful God was watching over him and kept him safe.
Tomorrow they will hopefully do the scope early and as long as everything is ok he will come home.
I'm praying he has a good night and they find whatever is bleeding and it is something minor.
Hopefully we can all get some sleep and tomorrow is a new better day.
Thank you God for watching over and protecting Dean and for keeping him safe and in good hands. Please continue to help him improve and to guide his doctors and medical team and let him come home HEALTHY to us. 

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