Monday, November 13, 2017

Trying to sleep

Right now I feel like I'm so over exhausted I can't even sleep. The night/morning everything happened I got two hours of sleep because I couldn't fall asleep until almost 2am then Dillon woke up at 4am and Dean came running in at 5am and off we went to the hospital. That night I came home after being gone for the longest I have ever left Dillon (15 hrs). We snuggled in bed for a bit then didn't get much sleep that night because he was still having a hard time with the fact that I wasn't home when he woke up and then was gone for so long plus not having Daddy home which hasn't happened since he was a baby. I set my alarm for 830 to make sure i got to the hospital before deans procedure but woke up at 730 and started my day. Last night when I got home (again after 12 hrs) Dillon has a cold and i knew it would be another rough night. Between Dillon still not sure about our change in schedule, his cold, and me having to pee all night from being 34 weeks pregnant I again am running on about 3 hrs of sleep. I set my alarm for 9 am today in hopes to sleep in but with everything was up at 7am not able to go back to sleep.
My parents and sister have both offered to take Dillon for the night so I can sleep but after being away all day I need 5hose night time snuggles and even if it means we are up every 45 mins so Dillon can make sure I'm home I will take it so I can spend some time with him.
In the mornings I am usually running on adrenaline waiting for one of dean's procedures or test results or to hear if he is coming home then by 4pm/5pm I crash and the exhaustion takes over. Then I come home and I find more energy when I am greeted by Dillons goofy smile and excitement when he sees me.
Hopefully today is the last of all of this and we can bring home and all be healthy and safe under one roof (and get some sleep) but if not I know I will continue to find energy and strength and am so blessed to have my family to help keep me going and keep Dillon safe and having fun when I'm not home.

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