The first night went so well we were exhausted but so in love with our baby. I did not sleep much I stayed up breastfeeding and admiring my little man, still trying to believe I was a Mommy! The next day I was on morphine and well really out of it. I don't remember who really visited or what was said and I apologize for that but as we would soon find out it was out of my control. I peaked a fever of 102 and couldn't seem to break it. The doctors decided to run blood work and an x-ray still not completely with it I asked to stop the morphine and try a different pain killer. When they began to check the baby and draw his blood I started realizing maybe something was wrong. I was then told to stop breastfeeding until I was 24 hours without a fever. But still everything seemed fine and we continued enjoying our baby. At the shift change the nurses came in and since my family was still exhausted from the 39 hours they were with us waiting for Dillon to arrive they decided to go home for the night.
Suddenly everything changed, my nurse started panicking put me on oxygen and started talking about transferring me. We immediately called my family to come back and help us try to understand what was happening. Apparently my heart rate was 150 (it should be under 100), my oxygen level was 80% when it should be 98-100%, my white blood cell count was 40000 when it should be 10000, and I still had a high fever. My parents got back and they told Dean and them I was being transferred to Cardiac Intensive Care Unit and they were thinking I had pneumonia and possibly sepsis. I was told I would be separated from the baby and I again panicked, I barely had him not even 24 hours and already had to say good bye.
I stayed in the CICU until March 8th, 2015 and hated every second. I would keep the door and drape closed because what was outside of my room was more depressing that being stuck in my small room without my baby. I began getting very depressed. . . I had a hard time knowing my son was in the Nursery and I was not allowed to be with him let alone see him. Normally only the dad and mom are allowed in the nursery but with our circumstances they allowed Sarah to be in the nursery with him as well. Between Dean and Sarah, Dillon was never alone and between my mom, dad, and dean neither was I. Unfortunately Dillon's white blood count was elevated so he had to go on antibiotics for five days. Sarah and Dean were great at sending me pictures but by day two of the CICU the post-partum depression set in really bad, but I had reason for it to. I really had no memory of my baby the hours I spent with him I was so out of it from the infection, fever, and morphine. I feared I may never see him again or hear him again and if that happened I would have no memory of him just pictures or he would have no memory of me just a handful of pictures of us together.
My family was even more amazing at this point, they set it up with the Nursery and surprised me by face-timing me with the baby.
I wanted to sign myself out of the hospital, I was done! On March 8th, 2015 I was finally transferred to DOU a step down from CICU. Even though I was not back at the maternity floor I was at least getting better and my nurses said they would wheel me down to see my baby, even though I couldn't go into the nursery I could at least see him through the glass! I stayed in the DOU from the 8th to the 9th I was in the DOU and if I was able to go 24 hours without a fever I could hold my baby!! OMG the hours dragged on but at 5am on the 9th I was being wheeled down to the nursery. Walking into the nursery was surreal, I was so nervous and excited. Then Dean brought my son to me and placed him in my arms, FINALLY!
Later that morning, we were told Dillon was going to be released from the hospital, I was devastated all of my dreams of bringing my baby home went out the window knowing Dean would bring the baby home and I would stay in the hospital. But then I was told I was being transferred back to maternity! The hospital once again made an exception and allowed me to keep Dillon in my DOU room until we got a room on the maternity floor. Dean got him in the carseat and signed all the discharge paperwork and brought him to my room.
The night of the 9th we got a room in Maternity and the morning of the 10th we got the news I would be released from the hospital. We found out I had a infection where the umbilical cord attached to me and pneumonia. When we were finally discharged Dean went to pull the car around my mom pushed the stroller and the nurse wheeled me out. I will never forget that moment, Dean said the couple in front of us had the nurse take 100 pictures, we walked out threw everything in the car and took off as quick as possible. After 6 days in the hospital WE WERE DONE! We did take one picture in our room before leaving but other than that we couldn't wait to be home.
It felt so good to pull into our drive way, walk into the front door, and start this new chapter in our life as a family.
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